Customer service during the national holiday may 8


Due to the national holiday on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, Moser customer service will be available for you again from Thursday, May 9, 2024. We will try to process all incoming orders and inquiries as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.


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Talent, resolution, and skilled hands. Without its people, Moser would not be what it is. The concepts of renowned designers are turned into glass by the best glassmakers, masters of in their respective fields, who often work for our glassworks their whole life. We are proud to introduce them to you.

Vlasta Habart


Glass is a force of nature and I’m taming it, says Moser glassmaker


Sebastian Menschhorn


Austrian designer and graphic artist who specializes in glass, porcelain and interior design


Lukáš Chládek


Becoming a glassmaster in just two years is extraordinary. Lukáš managed to do it.


Vladimír Skála


Doyen of Czech engraving, mentor of new generations and proud Czech Nestor


100% precisely handcrafted

Handcrafted following the traditional methods. Our creations are based on craftsmanship of glassmakers, glass-cutters, painters and engravers. No imperfection will get past their hands, which is the reason why we throw out and  re-make up to 80 % of our products.

Lukáš Jabůrek


Glass artist, designer, glass cutter, and the art director of the Moser glassworks from 2013 – 2018.


Patrik Illo


A glass designer whose work combines a respect for craftsmanship with experimentation, mass-production design and the creation of unique glass artifacts.


Libor Doležal


Graduate of the Secondary School of Applied Art in Glassmaking at Železný Brod and the Glass Studio of Vladimír Kopecký at Prague’s UMPRUM.


Lead-free crystal glass

Moser glass has very specific properties, especially as it doesn’t include any softening addition of lead. This confers several advantages at once. Lead-free glass is good both for environment and the health of the people working with it.

Rony Plesl


One of the most well-known contemporary Czech designers.


At your service

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